CoolHomesMallorca i launches virtual tours, an innovative tool of global marketing.
Benefits for property sellers:
- Innovation and global positioning: the higher number of visits increases the chances of selling your property.
- Reducing the number of physical visits will save you a lot of time.
- The average time of sale is significantly reduced thanks to the quicker rhythms and global reach of our virtual tours.
- We can organise virtual Open House visits for 100 hundred potentials buyers led by one of our agents, reaching a wider pool of costumers.
If you want to sell your house fast, efficiently and for the best price, get in touch with CoolHomesMallorca and we’ll make it happen.
Benefits for buyers:
- You can visit the property any time, anywhere and as many times and you want.
- If you like a property, we’ll organise a virtual tour with one of your agents, who will virtually walk you through the property and answer any doubts you may have.
- You can choose to reserve the property right after the virtual tour.